Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Why do you think the first explorations into victimization in terms of explaining why people are victimized centered not on offender behavior, but on victim behavior?,Why do you think the first explorations into victimization,As we saw in this week’s readings, the victim was initially “rediscovered” as a possible partner or contributor to the crime committed against them rather than as an individual worthy of sympathy or compassion.,For instance, Wolfgang (1952) and Amir (1971) both posited that victims play a role in regard to ,homicide, and forcible rape.,Why do you think the first explorations into victimization in terms of explaining why people are victimized. Centered not on offender behavior, but on victim behavior?,Does examining victim behavior when attempting to identify causes of victimization lead to victim blaming?,Is it wrong to consider the role of the victim? How do we consider the role of the victim in today’s society?, More details;,What is Mendelsohn’s theory of victimization?,Mendelsohn’s classification emphasized degrees of culpability. Recognizing that some victims bear no responsibility for their victimization, while others, based on their behaviors or actions, do.,What are the two types of theoretical arguments for explaining the relationship between victimization and offending?,In general, there are two types of theoretical arguments when it comes to explaining the relationship between victimization and offending: the dynamic causal perspective and the population heterogeneity argument (Ousey, Wilcox, & Fisher, 2011).,What if any are the advantages of studying victim precipitation?,Studying precipitation helps understand risk factors related not only to the initial victimisation but also to possible re-victimisation. Any factors that contribute to becoming a victim can exist outside of the victim’s conscious awareness.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

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