Criminal homework help

Criminal homework help. Project
This project is two parts: individual paper and group project.  You will be assigned a crime victimization by the Instructor.
Part One: 
The first part in an individual paper.   Five pages. APA style. 12 pt. font. Double spaced.  Make sure you cite your paper. Address all five parts listed below. Include a title page and a reference page. Give credit where credit is due! Title page and reference page is not included in the five pages.
1) Crime Victimization Type
You will be assigned one of the following crime victimization.
1 – Child Abuse
2 – Domestic Violence
3 – Sexual Assault
4 – Elder Abuse
5 – Cyber Crime (ex. Identity theft)
6 – Murder
7 – Robbery/Theft
Define the crime. Look up code section in Virginia and compare to at least two other states code sections.
2) Looking back at the code sections from Virginia and the two other states.  What are the sentencing options for those crimes?  Find at least four news articles that address sentencing for your assigned crime victimization.
3) Statistics  – Look up national, state and local crime statistics related to the crime victimization assigned to you.
4) What programs are out there to assist victims of these types of crimes (local, national and even international).
5) What are some innovative crime prevention programs that could be created to help prevent this victimization.  Use your imagination.
Part Two:
Work with the group assigned to you to create a PowerPoint presentation.  Address all five parts.  This is where you can combine your research from your individual papers.  Make it interesting. Be creative. You can include videos and pictures.  Make it informative. Your individual papers should not be identical to others that are assigned the same crime victimization type.

Criminal homework help

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