Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Write a reflection paper on Worse than slavery. Link to book-https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0037B6QGG/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_i5otEbSADW6NZ, Reflect upon what was learn ed and provide thoughts and opinions on the information in the book.,reflection paper on Worse than slavery- Link to book,Write ONE 25-point reflection paper on Worse than slavery. Link to book.,Reflect upon what was learn ed and provide thoughts and opinions on the information in the book.,A reflection paper is not a regurgitation of information present in the book.,Do not provide a ,review, of the book’s content. Rather, provide your own thoughts, opinions, and unique insight from the information learned in the reading—in short, your reaction to the information.,More on Worse than slavery,In this sensitively told tale of suffering, brutality, and inhumanity, ,Worse Than Slavery, is an epic history of race and punishment in the deepest South from emancipation to the civil rights era—and beyond.,Immortalized in blues songs and movies like ,Cool Hand Luke, and ,The Defiant Ones,, Mississippi’s infamous Parchman State Penitentiary was, in the pre-civil rights south, synonymous with cruelty. Now, noted historian David Oshinsky gives us the true story of the notorious prison. He draws on police records, prison documents, folklore, blues songs, and oral history. From the days of cotton-field chain gangs to the 1960s, when Parchman was used to break the wills of civil rights workers who journeyed south on Freedom Rides.,Authors are not always well serve by the publicity releases their publishers send out. The Free Press acclaims ” ‘Worse Than Slavery’ ” as ”a window into a shocking and neglected century of despair. A forgotten era in black history.” The story of despair may indeed be shocking to many readers, but it has been neither neglected by historians nor forgotten by African-Americans, whose music, art and folklore have preserved it in all its depressing but vital diversity., , 

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

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