Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help. Why were there protests at the 1968 Summer Olympics? What happened? What were the successes of the Mexican Revolution?   Also, what problems remain in Mexico after the Revolution?,Why were there protests at the 1968 Summer Olympics?,“Mexico: Revolution and Rebirth” – 25 points, Directions:  Watch the film, “Mexico: Revolution and Rebirth” and answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Answer in complete sentences. Your responses will be handed in and graded.,Firstly, what were the conditions in Mexico before Porfirio Diaz took power?,Secondly, what methods did Diaz use to stay in power for nearly 35 years?,Thirdly, what improvements did Mexico experience under Diaz? Who benefitted?,Fourthly, what were the negative aspects of the Diaz dictatorship? Who suffered?,Further, who were the 3 leaders who started the Mexican Revolution? Also, what do you know about each one? What was the cause each was fighting for?,Also, why did the Mexican Revolution continue after Diaz went into exile?,Additionally, what happened to the leaders of the Mexican Revolution?,Further, how was the United States involved in the Mexican Revolution?,Furthermore, what became the basis of the Mexican economy after 1938? What problems did this cause?,Besides, why were there protests at the 1968 Summer Olympics? What happened?,What were the successes of the Mexican Revolution?,Finally, what problems remain in Mexico after the Revolution?,Identifications, Directions:  Explain each of the following terms. Include the date and historical significance of the term. You can look up terms online to get additional information.,The Porfiriato, Cinco de Mayo, Rurales, Cientificos, ,Social Darwinism, Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza, Alvaro Obregon, Pershing Expedition, Columbus Raid, P.R.I., PEMEX, Tlatelolco Massacre, NAFTA,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

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