Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Thread Rolling.From this paper it is clear that the outcome of transferring the material molecules into thread shape instead of weakening through material removal is the thickening of the molecules at the threads critical parts, mostly in the roots and at the pitch diameter flank. The result of this all is an improvement of the quality of the thread form. Furthermore, the burnishing act that takes place at the steel dies results into a production of a magnificent micro-finish. The internal and external threads assembly is improved by the superior finish. It as well minimizes the wear between mating components thus a life extension results. A smooth finish as well results to an advantage of having rolled threaded components over the threaded components.As the discussion stresses the process involved in the thread rolling is known as the infeed roll threading. The thread types involved are pipe threads/ 600 thread type, machine screw type threads. The forms involved in the process are UNR, UNJ, AND UNC, for classes 1A, 2A, and 3A. The metric forms in the process of roll threading are DIN and ISO. The minimum size for the thread is 2mm, and maximum diameter is 63mm. The pitches in roll threading are fine, coarse and extra fine. The material hardness is cold rolling on depending material size and type. Roll threading results to flight safety threads and left and right hand while the volume that results is 1 to 100,000 pieces.

Economics homework help

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