Economics homework help

Economics homework help. You will prepare and submit a term paper on Case study 1. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. 25). Likewise, van Manen (1990) also affirmed that “a good phenomenological description is collected by lived experience and recollects lived experience? is validated by lived experience and it validates lived experience” (p. 27). Using these narrative qualifications, a phenomenological description of a classroom could start with one’s personal experience of envisioning that the goals of all participants, members, or students, including those of the educators are clearly defined. Based on regular classroom attendance and as expected from the educators, the learning objectives are crucial to enhance students’ knowledge and skills within the course modules where all participants get to be actively immersed in. As emphasized in an article published online by the University of Maryland, “in phenomenology, personal experience is the starting point. The source of personal experience is a description or account of the lived experience” (University of Maryland, n.d., par. 6). Through one’s academic experiences, it is acknowleged that educators would start a traditional course module or program with identifying the expectations of the students and relaying what their expectations are. The exchange of learning expectations create an effective environment that is based on trust, transparency, clarity of learning objectives, identification of rubrics, and defined academic requirements with stipulated time frames. Any questions, clarifications, concerns are likewise expected to be symbiotically exchanged. In addition, one strongly believes that features of the classroom that makes it distinct from a group of people in a business meeting, for instance, is that the elements or components contained therein are expected to be constant within a specified time frame. For example, one could assert that students enrolling in a course in Sociology of the Everyday would be expected to learn from the assigned professor for the whole semester, in clearly specified schedule (for instance, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1:30 to 3:30 pm). Likewise, if the number of students who enrolled in the course for this semester is 30, then, the professor and the students alike would expect that the same number of students would stay for the whole duration of the course in this particular semester. This student-professor relationship would thereby provide them with the opportunities to establish professional bonds, interpersonal relationships, communication patterns, and compliance to identified goals. Additional classroom characteristics, in addition to learning objectives as presented in traditional course curriculum as well as the presence of identified number of students and assigning a distinct professor, are the cultural diversity presumed to normally exist (students from different ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds), the use of appropriate instructional materials (reference books, overhead projector, visual aids, white board, digital applications, to name a few. Although some of these features also exist in a business or work setting, the differentiating characteristic is the identification of learning objectives through course curriculum designed specifically to enhance skills, theoretical frameworks and competencies that would prepare students for future professions.

Economics homework help

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