Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Think about institutional programming for offenders. What is the value as a Corrections Professional to offering programming for inmates? How do they address the challenge of Prison management?,Think about institutional programming for offenders,1. Think about institutional programming for offenders. What is the value as a Corrections Professional to offering programming for inmates? ,How do they address the challenge of Prison management?,This is a Discussion Question, needs to be referenced at the bottom of the page—Times In Roman 12 point a must. Any questions, please ask in chat. APA style but not numbered pages or cover page necessary.,More details;,What is the value as a corrections professional to offering programming for inmates?,The objective of ,providing prisoners, with ,programming, is to improve their behavior, both before and after release from ,prison,. Indeed, institutional ,programming, is often intended to not only enhance public safety by lowering recidivism, but also to promote greater safety within ,prisons, by reducing misconduct.,What are some rehabilitation programs for inmates?,State Funds Various In‑Prison Rehabilitation Programs,firstly, Academic Education. …,secondly, Career Technical Education (CTE). …,thirdly, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). …,fourthly, Employment Preparation. …,further, Substance Use Disorder Treatment (SUDT). …,also, Arts‑in‑Corrections. …,finally, Innovative Programming Grants.,How do prison work programs really benefit inmates?,According to the Department of ,Corrections,, “The ,program, places ,inmates, in realistic ,work, environments, pays them prevailing wages, and gives them a chance to develop marketable skills that will increase their potential for rehabilitation and meaningful ,employment, on release.”,How would you describe the prison environment?,Key features of the ,prison environment, that are likely to lead to personality change include the chronic loss of free choice, lack of privacy, daily stigma, frequent fear, need to wear a constant mask of invulnerability and emotional flatness (to avoid exploitation by others), and the requirement, day after day, to …,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

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