Education homework help

Education homework help. Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Poor marketing strategies at Bedaya center.From the research, it can be comprehended that Bedaya center has a clear vision which clearly states that it helps individuals to discover more about themselves and available career options, but unfortunately marketing strategies are not aligned with the vision of the company. The effectiveness of marketing strategy decides a company’s position in the market. any lacking in the marketing strategy can reduce the effectiveness of service and can slow down the pace of growth and development. Bedaya’s mismatch of marketing strategy and company’s vision is affecting the overall image of the company. Bedaya also needs to focus more on students preference on courses offered, the duration of the courses can be one the reason as short time period courses are more preferred among students. flexibility of hours can also be an effective approach as time flexibility creates ease for them to manage educational and vocational studies. Promotional strategies are also not effective to the acceptable level. Bedaya needs to adopt effective internet branding strategies to position the product rightly in the customers’ minds. Bedaya needs to add more information about the company and services offered on the internet. Only the use of social networks doesn’t determine the effectiveness of branding strategies but the content also matters. It is important for any organization to clearly define its marketing objectives and strive to fulfill the needs and demands of the customers.

Education homework help

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