Education homework help

Education homework help. Students will be divided into teams (to be randomly assigned by Class 3). Further, the teams will combine to submit one 5- 6 page Team Reflection Paper per team, due by Class 10, which will total 300 points possible.,Students will be divided into teams (to be randomly assigned by Class 3),Students will be divided into teams (to be randomly assigned by Class 3). Further, the teams will combine to submit one 5- 6 page Team Reflection Paper per team, due by Class 10, which will total 300 points possible. Reflection Paper will be a comparison and also contrast paper comparing Ethical Practices versus Unethical Practices within TWO Fashion Industry Companies.,The Points Breakdown will be as follows, including the applicable Student Learning Outcomes that this assignment will address:,I. Points Breakdown, Proficient (225 – 300 points); Competent (150 – 224 points); Developing (75-149 points; Introductory (0 – 75),1. Incorporation of Ethical Policies:,Here students must demonstrate thoughtful, detailed and structured analysis, taking clear and also concise positions as to the two companies being compared, and defending them. This addresses SLO 1 Explain the value of incorporating ethical policy in business technology and also financial management through the analysis of case study reports. ,Up to 60 points.,2. Ethical Reasoning in Decision-Making.,Here students must demonstrate in the paper the reasoning behind the viewpoints presented in the paper. Students must know how to defend their positions with their reasoning, supporting why they concluded one way over another. This addresses SLO 2 – Demonstrate the ability to apply ethical reasoning in decision-making through class discussions, case studies and also examinations. Up to 60 points. 3. Analysis of Ethical Issues, also, Risk of Unethical Practices. Here students must analyze the risks associate with unethical practices, including all stakeholders who might be affect, and also the short term and long term effects. This addresses SLO 3 – Analyze and discuss ethical issues, and also the risks of unethical practices in business organizations through lectures and case study analysis. ,(Up to 60 points.),4. The Individual’s Role.,This is the section where the students break down ethical decision making at the individual, also, versus company wide level. Why is it so important to make the right ethical decisions at the individual level? Further, how did individual level decisions impact the ethical trajectory of the 2 companies compared? This addresses SLO 4 – Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical individual’s role in the development of action plans designed to promote good ethical practices, through lectures and also situational case study analysis. ,(Up to 60 points.),5. Communication Skills:,Students must ,present, their reflection paper in an organized manner that clearly articulates the team’s view. Reflection Paper should be free of spelling and also punctuation errors and demonstrate a good command of language mechanics and grammar, sentence structure. This addresses SLO 5 – Demonstrate communication skills through research assignments and also in-class case study evaluations. ,(Up to 60 points.),Attachments,Click Here To Download,

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