English homework help

English homework help. Research Paper
The research paper is the most important out-of-class writing assignment of the semester.  It will be peer-reviewed before revision and submission in its final form.  The due dates for all drafts are given in your syllabus.  The essay will be graded on completion of the various phases of the assignment (topic selection, preliminary list of sources, outline, peer review) as well as the content of the final draft.
The paper must be written in MLA format, including a formal outline.
The approximate length of the essay is 8 pages.
The paper must cite at least 5 research sources, including the following:
–      Doctor Zhivago

  • One full-length text (book) by an authority on your topic. Recommended sources are books and ebooks specifically on your topic that appear in the LAMC library catalog. This requirement may also be satisfied by citing a textbook for a relevant subject such as political science, psychology, sociology or history.
  • One scholarly journal article from the LAMC Library databases. This will be an article designated “scholarly” or “peer reviewed” in one of the databases such as ProQuest, CQ Researcher, JSTOR and Gale literature sources.
  • One other periodical. This may be a second scholarly journal article, or it may be a major metropolitan newspaper or a news magazine.
  • One Internet site. This may be the web site of an organization that offers authoritative information on your topic or a web site that specializes in news reporting.

In some cases, other sources such as interviews or government documents may be used as well.
Do not use or cite informal sources such as web sites that collect or sell student papers (e.g. echeat.com or 123helpme.com), blogs maintained by individuals or groups that do not have solid academic credentials or Q&A sites such as ehow or about.com.  Acceptable web sites include those maintained by university departments, libraries, museums or government agencies.
You may choose to consult dictionaries and encyclopedias or general overview sites such as history.com to gain a better understanding of terminology and the history of some aspects of your topic.  If so, these should be listed on your Works Cited page.  However, they are not substitutes for the required sources listed above, and the information you use from them should be limited to definitions and basic background information.
The required five sources must not only be listed on your Works Cited page, but must be either quoted or paraphrased in the text of your essay.
Topic Choice Guidelines:
– Biographical criticism, in which you research the author’s background and examine how the novel may contain parallels with his life experience.  This includes an analysis of how the author has chosen to represent people and events in comparison with the recorded biographical information and how that may relate to particular emphases in the message of the novel.
Outline / SAMPLE
Thesis:  In the characters of Yusef Galiullin and Pavel Antipov, Boris Pasternak traces the life paths of two young men as the 1917 Russian Revolution and its aftermath change their homeland forever, one remaining a loyal defender of national institutions and tradition, the other becoming the idealist revolutionary fighting to restore the honor of an exploited and abused country.

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  1. In their childhood in pre-revolutionary Moscow, Yusupka and Pasha face similar limitations on their prospects for a good life.


  1. Poverty and social unrest in working-class neighborhoods
  2. Effects of anti-government resistance on communities and families
  3. Yusupka’s and Pasha’s personalities and circumstances as youths


  1. Russia’s entry into World War I leads the young adults Galiullin and Antipov into military service.


  1. Mobilization of Russian men
  2. Effects of the war on the lives of Russian families
  3. Antipov’s education, marriage and military enlistment
  4. Galiullin’s service at the battlefront with Antipov
  5. Antipov’s disappearance

III.  The Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War that follows result in Galiullin and             Antipov being aligned with opposing armies and ideologies.

  1. The war waged in the Russian countryside
  2. The character and service of Lieutenant Galiullin
  3. The emergence of Strelnikov
  4. Pasternak’s representation of the two armies


  1. The evolution of Strelnikov as the ultimate revolutionary warrior is revealed in conversations between Lara and Yury and between Strelnikov and Yury


  1. Lara’s (Russia’s) unending loyalty to Pasha/Strelnikov
  2. Revelations of the full transformation of Strelnikov’s character
  3. The survival of the corrupt social element exemplified in Komarovsky
  4. Strelnikov’s justifications and motivations


  1. The paths of the boys Yusupka and Pasha reveal the test of character that confronted young working-class men in the revolutionary years.


  1. The end of the road for Yusupka and Pasha
  2. Pasternak’s sympathies revealed in the two men’s outcomes
  3. The outcome for Russia

Annotated Bibliography
Gerschenkron, Alexander. “Notes on ‘Doctor Zhivago.’” Modern Philology, vol. 58, no. 3,      1961, pp. 194–200. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/434994. Accessed 29 Apr. 2020.
This is an academic article by a Russian-born Harvard professor specializing in economic history.  It was written in 1961 just after Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for Doctor Zhivago. The author is responding to critics of the novel’s literary value, and he focuses on the characterization of several male characters, including Pasha Antipov, in comparison with each other.  I will use this as an example of one interpretation of Pasha’s symbolic significance in the story as well as a view of the corruption that Komarovsky represents in relation to Lara as the personification of modern Russia.
… Additional sources

English homework help