English homework help

English homework help.  

3.      Social Change (writing only)

Re-imagine historical images. Research the work and writings of social activist photographers until you can become them; that is, what would Hill and Adamson, Lewis Hine or Jacob Riis photograph today if they lived where you live? What social issue needs an advocate? In a 250-to-400-word essay, which includes references to readings on the photographer you are emulating, discuss how you would approach creating this extended documentary project. For this project you need to consult at least three credible and substantial sources and list them in an endnote. If you quote from the source, you need to include the page number(s) of the source you quoted or the URL of the electronic source and the page number the quote is on.

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Grading rubric for option 3 (writing only): (Total 100 points)


Grading rubric Points
Does the paper include a research question that frames the discussion? 10
Were at least three credible and substantial sources consulted and included in an endnote 25
Quality of the writing (how well you develop the essay, clarity of expression, structure) 50
Is the paper free of spelling and grammatical mistakes? 5
Does the paper fall within the word limit of 250–400 words? 10
Total 100


English homework help