English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. read and answer those questionresource only this book answer 3 pages. and sign each question number of answer  1. What is Christianity? What are its four basic components, and why is it important to consider each of them when discussing theological questions?2. What are the four levels of scriptural interpretation? How does each of them ‘work’? Choose a passage of Scripture that we have read in class and interpret it in the four ways you listed above.3. Explain why historical context is vital for the study of theology/religious studies. Give an example of a situation from class in which historical context changed your understanding of a particular theological question, concept, etc.4. What is ‘Christian Tradition’? Define its major characteristics and the role that it plays in the lives of Christians.5. Define ‘doctrine’? What is the purpose of Christian doctrine, and what does doctrine mean for Christians today (i.e. how does doctrine influence the actions of Christians)?

English Language and Literature homework help

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