FIN 571 / DQ #1 – Volatility in the Stock MarketAnswers 1Bids 1Other questions 10

FIN 571 / DQ #1 – Volatility in the Stock MarketAnswers 1Bids 1Other questions 10.

Discuss the current stock market situation and whether or not the volatility in the stock market will continue in the short term. I started using this topic in 2010 and market volatility continues to be a concern. Discuss the ability (or lack thereof) to predict future market returns.  Is this related to the way markets operate post-recession or is it due to the slow, uncertain economic recovery?   Does this volatility signal a market correction in the future?   *** minimum 300 words***

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FIN 571 / DQ #1 – Volatility in the Stock MarketAnswers 1Bids 1Other questions 10