History homework help

History homework help. This is a paper that is focusing on the Leadership Manifesto action plan as a leader. The paper also divides the paper into three parts for analyzing and writing the assignment paper.,The Leadership Manifesto action plan as a leader,Leadership Manifesto,Purpose: Take a position regarding your philosophy of leadership, evaluate yourself according to criteria, and develop an action plan for improving as a leader Genre: Manifesto: argument or position statement Audience: Imagine that a potential employer asks you to define your leadership style or your leadership philosophy Due Date: See course schedule at the end of the syllabus Throughout the course we will learned about multiple aspects of leaders’ roles within an organization. Leaders/managers are planners, motivators, and analysts in companies across the world. You have demonstrated content knowledge in quizzes and also you’ve applied the theories we’ve discussed to real-world case studies. Now it’s time to use what you’ve learned to plan for your future as a leader.,The Leadership Manifesto action plan as a leader,This paper should include 3 sections as described below:,1. Leadership Philosophy: Firstly, the purpose of this section is to argue a position about what good leadership is and what good leaders do. In your argument, be sure to reference theories about leadership (using solid research) and feel free to discuss your experience working as or for a leader and how those workplace experiences helped you form your personal leadership philosophy.,2. Self-,SWOT,: Secondly, the purpose of this section is to evaluate your own strengths based upon the characteristics you explained in the Leadership Philosophy section. This self-SWOT should ask the following questions: Strengths• what characteristics of a good leader do you possess? • what aspects of your personality or style translate easily into leadership skills? • what aspects of your background and experience have prepared you to be an excellent leader? Weaknesses• what characteristics of a good leader do you lack? • what aspects of your personality or style contradict the leadership skills you described in part 1?Opportunities• How can you capitalize on your strengths? How can you capitalize or improve upon your weaknesses? Threats• What experiences or characteristics LIMIT your ability to perform as a leader? Everyone should be able to identify weaknesses and threats in their own management style, so be honest.,3. Leadership/Management Action Plan:,Thirdly, the purpose of this section is to show how you will grow from where you are today into the type of manager you described in Part 1: Leadership Philosophy through an Action Plan. What are some specific activities and/or experiences that will help you develop weaker areas and maximize areas of strength before you complete the degree program? Who are some mentors you can identify who will help you develop? How will you use the control process and incorporate feedback data to continually improve your management technique as you grow throughout the next few semesters? Develop at least three action points in your action Plan. Guidelines? You can incorporate examples and real-world experiences to illustrate your points succinctly.? Be sure to provide references for quoted or paraphrased information in APA style.?,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

History homework help

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