watch this video, answer the questions, use the reference based on the video first, then find outside resources. 1. Do you think racism is predictable? 2. Which factor mentioned do you think plays a larger part in the prevalence of racist attitudes: education level or geography/neighborhood? Why? 3. What do you think of the solutions to the problem of racism that were proposed in this talk? 4. How do these solutions address or fail to address the types of racism we learned about this week? watch this video, answer the questions, use the reference based on the video first, then find outside resources. 1. Do you think racism is predictable? 2. Which factor mentioned do you think plays a larger part in the prevalence of racist attitudes: education level or geography/neighborhood? Why? 3. What do you think of the solutions to the problem of racism that were proposed in this talk? 4. How do these solutions address or fail to address the types of racism we learned about this week?.
watch this video, answer the questions, use the reference based on the video first, then find outside resources.
1. Do you think racism is predictable?
2. Which factor mentioned do you think plays a larger part in the prevalence of racist attitudes: education level or geography/neighborhood? Why?
3. What do you think of the solutions to the problem of racism that were proposed in this talk?
4.  How do these solutions address or fail to address the types of racism we learned about this week? watch this video, answer the questions, use the reference based on the video first, then find outside resources. 1. Do you think racism is predictable? 2. Which factor mentioned do you think plays a larger part in the prevalence of racist attitudes: education level or geography/neighborhood? Why? 3. What do you think of the solutions to the problem of racism that were proposed in this talk? 4. How do these solutions address or fail to address the types of racism we learned about this week?

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