International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Firm C has identified two distinct market segments. The demand curves for segments are given by:P_A (Q^A) = 3 – 1/200 Q^AP_B (Q^B) = 2 -1/200 Q^BWhat is the optimal pricing policy for this firm assuming that marginal cost of production is negligible (MC = 0 )? In other words, what are the optimal prices in each market segment?Hint: MR_A (Q^A) = 3 -1/100 Q^AMR_B (Q^B) = 2- 1/100 Q^BMON TUE . WED THU FRI . SAT . SUNa dd curve :a. demand curve A PA = 3 – (1/ 200) Qdemand curve B Pp = 2 – (1/200) QAlso given that , me = (MBA = 3 – (1/ 1003 QAMRB = 2 – (1/ 100 ) 68Optimal…

International Development homework help

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