Languages homework help

Languages homework help. You are working as a data scientist contracted to create visualizations for your state’s government. The state government has asked you to develop three specific data visualization solutions.,You are working as a data scientist contracted to create visualizations for your state’s government,Overview:, This assignment, requiring background and audience analysis, is the first milestone for the final project. To complete this assignment, you will analyse who the audience is to determine what type of data visualization will create the most impact and provide the most information.,Prompt: ,Scenario:, You are working as a data scientist contracted to create visualizations for your state’s government. The state government has asked you to develop three specific data visualization solutions. Please note that you select any state available in the source data.,• The state budget office has asked for a PowerPoint presentation to be given regarding storm activity with the goal of establishing a monetary reserve and allocating stand-by emergency resources in areas where they are needed most within the state.,• The state’s emergency management agency, (EMA), group has asked for an interactive dashboard they can utilize to analyze storm damage data for the purposes of risk assessment, allocating stand-by emergency equipment/resources, and responding to media inquiries regarding damage estimates during and after weather events. For the purpose of this assignment, we will assume the interactive dashboard’s underlying data is automatically update as new events are enter ed.,• The state would also like you to draft a pamphlet/web page with storm safety information for members of the public. This pamphlet/web page should include some interesting visualizations and statistics to engage the intended audience and reinforce the importance of preparedness in the event of severe weather events.,You will use the recommended visualization tools to create visualization styles appropriate for the different audiences. Recommended tools include, QlikView, Tableau, Excel, and Power BI, You will also discuss and design visuals, considering the recommended method of delivery for each audience.,Critical Elements:,To complete this assignment, your submission must address the following critical elements:, I. Background and Audience Analysis,A. Provide the background information regarding the given situation and data set(s), and determine the overall message/information you will need to convey. Additionally, what is the research question/problem to be in consideration on each of the state’s requests? Further, is the available data sufficient to deliver the intended message? Lastly, are there any issues with uncertainty in the dataset that might influence the analysis?,B. Compare and contrast the needs and sophistication of the target audiences (state budgetary office leadership, emergency management personnel, and members of the public)., i. How will the overall message change for each audience?, ii. Moreover, how familiar will each audience be with the issue at hand and with any specific terminology?, iii. How will things such as educational levels, age levels, primary language, cultural diversity, and so forth vary among your target audiences?,C. Provide a brief explanation of why the recommended presentation methods are most appropriate for each audience.,Finally, be sure to include communication objectives and considerations of the target audience.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Languages homework help

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