Law homework help

Law homework help. You will choose one of the topics on the criteria page and research and present a Persuasive Presentation using either a question of fact, value or policy.,Persuasive Presentation using either a question of fact, value or policy,You will choose one of the topics on the criteria page and research and present a Persuasive Presentation using either a question of fact, value or policy. Please make sure that this information is present ed in your outline as well as typed in MLA format. Do not forget the plagiarism policy as I will be monitoring all presentations and outlines present ed.,Here are a few Hints to get you started:,Questions of fact (which are also call ed propositions of fact) basically state that something is, something exists, or something doesn’t exist. Questions of policy state that something should be or should not be and questions of value state that something is good, bad, beautiful, or worthwhile., What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?,What makes certain persuasive speech topics better than others? ,There are numerous reasons,, but in this section we discuss three of the most important factors of great topics for a persuasive speech.,It’s Something You Know About or Are Interest ed in Learning About, The most important factor in choosing and creating a great persuasive speech is picking a topic. A topic you care about and are interest ed in. You’ll need to do a lot of research on this topic, and if it’s something you like learning about, that’ll make the process much easier and more enjoyable. It’ll also help you sound passionate and informed when you talk, both important factors in giving an excellent persuasive speech.,It’s a Topic People Care About,Spare yourself the smattering of bored applause my nine-old self got at the end of my speech and choose something you think people will be interested in hearing about. This also ties into knowing your audience, which we discuss more in the final section.,It Isn’t Overdone, You can imagine that everyone’s eyes glazed over whenever classmates gave their speeches on this overdone topics. We’d heard about it so many times that, even if it was a topic we care d about, speeches on it just didn’t interest us anymore., There are many potential topics for a persuasive speech. Be wary of choosing one that’s cliché or overdone.,Even if you give a great speech, it’ll be harder to keep your audience interested. If they feel like they already know what you’re going to say., An exception to this rule is that if you feel you have a new viewpoint or facts about the topic that currently aren’t common knowledge. Including them can make an overdone topic interesting. If you do this, be sure to make it clear early on in your speech that you have unique info or opinions on the topic so your audience knows to expect something new.

Law homework help

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