Literature homework help

Literature homework help. Writing a Thesis Proposal
a) Framework:
Identify a topic/issue; other people’s work (secondary sources) on this topic should be collected
and evaluated; identify the specific primary sources that are appropriate for the topic; some
preliminary conclusions about the chosen topic should be reported.
b) Structure:
Title page
Ø a short descriptive title of the proposed thesis project.
Ø This is a brief summary of your thesis proposal (around 200 words). You should
present a brief introduction to the topic, make the key statement of your thesis,
and make a summary of your methodological approach. Include a possible
implication of your research.
Ø In this section, you should set the context for your proposed project and capture
your reader’s interest. Explain the background of your study from a broad picture
and then narrow in on your specific research question. Review what is known
about your research topic and cite relevant references.
Thesis statement
Ø In a couple of sentences, state your thesis (research question). This statement
should capture the essence of your intended project.
Ø In this section, you should describe the methods you will use and what kind of
materials (e.g., primary sources) you will use. If there are any limitations, you
should address them here.
Preliminary conclusions and discussion
Ø Present the results/conclusions you have reached so far, and discuss how these
conclusions fit the framework of your thesis.
Implications of research
Ø Discuss what is new-what do we not already know? Why is it worth knowing,
what are the major implications?
List of references
Ø Cite all ideas, concepts, text that are not your own
Ø If you make a statement, back it up with your materials (primary sources) or a
reference (secondary sources)- e.g.: (Cairns 2011, 65).
Ø All references cited in the text must be liste

Literature homework help

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