Management Homework Help

Assignment Details Employees who are not enthusiastic about working on a team could feel this way due to any number of reasons. However, if your organization depends on cross-functional or cross-depar

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Employees who are not enthusiastic about working on a team could feel this way due to any number of reasons. However, if your organization depends on cross-functional or cross-departmental teams to maximize resources and manpower, the employees will need to not only work on a team but also be an active member. Discuss the following:

  • When faced with employees who are not willing to be an active member of a cross-departmental team, how would you coach the employees to gain their buy-in?
  • Why do you feel it is important to establish the authority a team has in the decision-making process prior to a project beginning?
  • When an organization has offices in multiple countries, how would you overcome the location and language barriers when creating a cross-functional or cross-departmental team?