Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Activity 3.1- Organisations and agencies, roles and responsibilities,Using your individual and team’s existing knowledge and the “resources tab” in your left menu, discuss various agencies, organisations and other people who may be involved with Shirley and her family on discharge from Hospital.,Click on “Links to Dementia resources and agencies”. You do not have to read through all this content in its entirety, but skim through to see which organisations may be of assistance to Shirley and her daughter in particular. Another useful resource is the website ,WA Health Models of Care ,which contains information on care delivery for people with dementia – located under the Older People link. There is also a folder in the “Resources Tab” that has several resources explaining Dementia should you wish to learn more about this condition.,,,,=,Use this links to answer the questions below,What to do: ,Consider the key organisations and/or agencies that would best assist Shirley and her family once she is discharged from hospital.,Also suggest other professionals or non-professionals who may assist Frances in particular to care for Shirley following discharge.,One of the organizations that might tend to help Shirley and her family is the use of human rights movement organizations. In any given region of the world human right movements are aimed at fighting for the various rights of individuals. These individuals might be having a given form of suffering and seem to be different from other members of the society. The human rights movement will help the family of Shirley by ensuring that the parents and the patient receive various forms of help from the relevant authorities. In addition to that world, human rights movements also tend to ensure that all the rights of the suffering person are not subjected to manipulation., Another method the human rights movements use to ensure that all the victims are protected from abuse is the use of rights. The rights ensure that all the relevant legislatures are passed that favor the victims facing various forms of problems. In addition to that the human rights movements also ensure that high-quality level of service delivery is done for all people who at one point or another might be facing the challenge resulting from any given disease., One of the professionals who may assist Frances in particular for the purpose of caring about Shirley is the use of medical personnel. When the patient is being discharged, medical personnel plays an important role in assessing the condition of the victim. Furthermore, medical personnel also ensures that they inform the family members on the nature and situation of the patient even after the patient is being discharged from the hospital. Adult members of the society also play a critical role in ensuring that all people in the society. Other professionals who perform a significant role in this scenario are nutritionists. Nutritionists usually assist the members of the family in educating them on which form of diet should be given to the person who has been discharged from the hospital (Johnson, 2009)., , ,References,Johnson, J. A. (2009). ,Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development., Michigan: Jones & Bartlett Publisher., , , , , ,

Mathematics homework help

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