Operations Management homework help

Operations Management homework help. Discussion 1:
In Rubin v. Coors Preview the document, 514 U.S. 476 (1995)Preview the document, the Supreme Court held that a federal statute and related regulations that prevented Coors from disclosing the alcohol content on its beer labels and in product advertising was a violation of Coors’ constitutional right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment. Based on this case answer the following questions:
• Why does it make a difference whether the speech in which Coors was engaged (disclosure of the alcohol content) was commercial speech or noncommercial speech?
• What type of speech (commercial or noncommercial) did the Supreme Court determine that Coors was engaged in?
• Suppose Coors started to sell cocaine and wanted to disclose the purity of their cocaine on the packaging and in their advertisements. What type of speech would this be? Would disclosure of the purity of the cocaine be protected under the First Amendment?
Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words.
Discussion 2:
Marigold Dairy Corporation sells milk products, including powdered milk formula for infants. Marigold hopes to increase sales of its powdered milk formula in Liberia and other African nations where mothers are often malnourished due to drought and civil war. Marigold’s marketing department has created a marketing plan to convince mothers and expectant mothers not to breastfeed their babies and to, instead, use Marigold formula. Doctors generally favor breastfeeding as beneficial to mothers (it helps the uterus return to normal size), to babies (it is nutritious and strengthens the bonds between the infant and the mother), and to families (it is inexpensive). Marigold’s marketing plan stresses the good nutrition of its formula and the convenience to parents of using it, including not having to breastfeed. You are the senior vice president of marketing for Marigold.
• Do you approve this marketing plan?
• What would a rights theorist do?
• What would a utilitarian do?
• What would a profit maximizer do?
Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words.

Operations Management homework help

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