Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. As company managers, respond to the following questions with 1 or 2 paragraph answers. Responses will require a team discussion among the members of your company.,As company managers, respond to the following questions,As company managers, respond to the following questions with 1 or 2 paragraph answers.,Responses will require a team discussion among the members of your company.,1.       Based on the Decisions you have made for the simulations insert a COMPANY VISION and MISSION STATEMENT.,2.       What is your company’s current situation? Is your company in a good, average or weak competitive position when compared to other companies? Are your finances strong? What problems does your company have that need to be addressed? (Strengths…? Weaknesses…?),3.       What goals do you have for your company?  What do you want the company to be known for? Where do you see your company in five years? (market share in each area, numbers of retail stores, etc.),4.       What expectations do you have of each other (as managers) while competing in this simulation? This is similar to a team contract and should be agreed to by all participants. Items to consist meetings per week, time allocation, attendance at in class and out of class meetings, shared workload, etc. Also consider: how will you address the non-participator or person not pulling their weight?,5.       write at least 75-100 words regarding “what you have learned” over the course of this ,business simulation, and insert here. This may include a broad perspective on business, course material, or skills you have learned.,Are your company’s strengths really weaknesses?,An organization’s strengths may indeed be strengths, to be guarded and bolstered, and weaknesses may indeed be weaknesses. Good strategists allow for the possibility that things may be what they seem or may be the opposite, depending on the situation.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Philosophy homework help

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