Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Need help with my writing homework on ANALYTICALLY Compare The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald and Ceremony by Leslie Silko and how they pertain to the so called American Dream. Write a 1750 word paper answering; (Taylor, 1998) It is pertinent here to understand the genesis of the American dream. Warshauer (2003) defines American dream, “Traditionally, Americans have sought to realize the American dream of success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work. However, the industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries began to erode the dream, replacing it with a philosophy of ‘get rich quick’.” Gatsby owed his idea to achieve American idea to Benjamin Franklins autobiography.Whereas , Ceremony, by Leslie Silko is a narrative of resilience and the protagonist overcomes the hardships and a series of challenges to reach the stipulated goal. Ceremony reminds us of the Grail stories where protagonist must prove his/her worth to be the worthy to be its presence. Allen , while discussing in her article, Special Problem in Teaching Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony, has the point to make that reading the works of Native American writer without understanding ethnographic and historical sheen is an exercise in futility, “because texts either derived from or directly connected to tradition, are firmly embedded within the matrix of their cultural base.” (Allen,1990) The protectiveness of the native people towards their tradition is legendry . The Pueblos are expected to know no more than is necessary, ‘sufficient and congruent with their spiritual and social place.” (Allen,1990)F. Scott Fitzgerald is the author of The Great Gatsby. He writes as if he is Nick Carraway. Gatsby’s fascination for Daisy is a reflection of a woman Fitzgerald loved in his own life. He combines the personality of Nick Carraway and Gatsby. He speaks as if he is Nick and he writes about Gatsby on the basis of his own experience.The Great Gatsby is an example for dreams and their interpretations. Every character in this novel has a certain dream.

Physics homework help

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