Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Shaping Behavior of a Person. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The study aimed at answering the question of what drives one to such acts. The study revealed the existence of anti-Semitism not only in Germans but in the Americans to giving peculiar conduct hence its definition as authoritarian personality (McAvoy, 2012, p.26). For effective results, the study was conducted in two phases. The first phase-involved completion of a questionnaire measured with the aid of either F-scale giving the level of authoritarian in participants a high or low. The second phase involved the interview approach through which the causes were established. The questions prompt the respondents to provide details on their family, childhood and other experiences (McAvoy, 2012, p.34). The study revealed that respondents raised in a strict environment filled with harsh penalties and discipline proved more authoritarian. Adorno et al indicated that during child development, a love or hate relationship develops between parent and child hence shaping adulthood behavior. Basing on the psychoanalytic theory developed by Sigmund Freud, Adorno et al provide that human behavior remain buried in a person’s unconscious mind including their past experiences hence shaping their personality and way of behaving later in life (McAvoy, 2012, p.22). Bob Altemeyer 1981 too was interested in understanding authoritarian behavior. He established his own design of the right side of the concept of authoritarianism through an extension of the works done by Adorno and F-scale resulting into his own design of it labeled the Right Authoritarian Scale. This defined authoritarian in 3 different characteristics involving submission, aggression and conventional with participants having a high score indicating to harsh punishments, prejudice, and a strict environment among other experiences. Altemeyer disapproved of the subconscious holding of control to behavior and considered it as a social learning experience (McAvoy, 2012, p.49).

Political Science homework help

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