Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. us history. Gilded Age & progressives?imperialism?and WWIBM#3&4-Gilded Age & Progressives, Imperialism, and WWI- Short Answer QuestionsStaple and answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper. For full credit you mast clearly answer each question sing at leastfive sentences or five full bullet statements. Be sure to state and highlight specific key terms and facts to support each answer.Was the rise of industry and technology good or bad for the United States during the Gilded Age? Explain.How effective were the Progressive Era reformers in trying to fix the "problems of the Gilded Age? Explain.2.What are positives/negatives of imperialism? Is imperialism ever justified…. is it ever right to take over another country3.without their permission? Use at least two examples of the United States to answer this question.Why did the United States enter World War I? Should they have entered sooner? Explain.President Woodrow Wilson wanted America to lead and define the terms of peace after years of war (1914-1918). DidAmerica cam the right to do this after joining so late? Did he succeed and what did America choose to do? Explain

Psychology homework help

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