Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. HP3708: Biopsychosocial Criminology
Final Paper Guidelines
General Structure
You can choose any topic for your final paper, but it has to be on criminal behavior (broadly
defined). Feel free to check its appropriateness with the TAs in the first instance.
Try to pick a topic that genuinely intrigues you. The intention is for the final paper to be
intellectually stimulating to you.
The paper should address at least two of the three components of the biopsychosocial
perspective. For example, a paper could entirely focus on biological and psychological factors, or
you could include a significant social component. Alternatively, you could exclusively focus on
psychological and social processes.
Length and Structure
The paper should have approximately 8-10 pages of text (double-spaced). This does not include
the title page, abstract, references, and tables/figures.
The structure is as follows: Title page, abstract page, text, references, any tables/figures.
Title Page
Please include the following signature statement on the title page. This should appear as follows,
after the title, at the bottom of the front page. (Please note that NTU’s academic integrity policy
on plagiarism and cheating can be found at:
My signature below certifies that I have complied with Nanyang Technological
University’s Academic Integrity Policy in completing this paper.
Name (printed)
______________________________ _____________________
Signature Date
Case Studies
A case study can be added to your paper where appropriate, but for most papers, it will not be
needed. I strongly advise against basing your whole paper on a case study. One can, in theory,
write a good final paper on one case study, but it is very hard to do this well.
These can sometimes help illustrate ideas or concepts, but they are not required. They do not
count in the 8 to 10-page limitation.
You should have a minimum of 10 references (i.e. articles, chapters, books you have consulted).
Additional Tips on Writing a Good Final Paper
1. Your topic should be one that can be investigated at a scholarly level (e.g., don’t just describe
someone you know who is a psychopath).
2. One theme of this course is the multi-disciplinary, integrative perspective to understanding
antisocial behavior, so your paper could take that perspective and be creative, but keep in
mind that most of your points/ideas should be supported with references.
3. Posing a question in your title that you will answer can be a very useful strategy. The question
can be double-barreled (e.g., “What techniques can be used to evaluate if someone is lying,
and how good are we at detecting lies?”), or otherwise structured in a way to help frame your
answer more easily.
4. Begin with an introduction that outlines the key issue or question that you are trying to
evaluate/answer, and provide a brief structure on what will follow, including what
conclusion(s) you will draw.
5. End with a concluding paragraph (or two) summarizing the key points of your paper and your
argument or answer to the question you posed. In the conclusion, it would be really helpful to
provide directions for future research. Think of the gaps in our knowledge base and what
studies need to be conducted in the future to address these issues.
6. Although this is not required, sometimes using section subheadings can help you better
structure your paper.
7. Overall, the highest marks will go to papers that are scientifically-based, well-referenced, and
evaluative. Don’t just describe findings, but evaluate and weigh the evidence for and against a
theory/perspective on crime. Try to draw out a conclusion or take-home point for the reader
on each key section of your paper.
8. Consult the course syllabus for the deadline – make sure to submit it on time! Try to set
yourself an artificially earlier deadline to give yourself breathing space for polishing and
Below is a rubric that may serve as a guide in your structuring and writing of the paper.
Good luck!
Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Ideas, details, or events
seem loosely strung
together. The thesis is
lacking or the thesis is a
statement of fact.
The organizational structure
allows the reader to move
through the text without
undue confusion, and
includes a thesis.
The order, presentation, or internal
structure of the writing is
compelling and guides the reader
purposefully through the text, with
a clear/thought-provoking thesis.
Sketchy information
forces the reader to make
inferences. The paper
includes an unclear topic,
and limited or unrelated
The writing has a solid
beginning with a defined
topic, but is weakened by
generalities and/or poor
The text is clear, well-supported,
and developed, enhanced by the
kind of detail that keeps readers
interested. The writer exhibits
comprehension and accurate
interpretation of research results.
social science research
Depth and breadth of
The writing minimally
accomplishes the goals
and requirements of the
assignment as set out in
the guideline.
The writing adequately
accomplishes the goals of the
assignment: Some evidence
is shown that the
contributions and limitations
of extant criminological and
psychological research, as
relevant to the paper topic,
were considered.
The writing effectively
accomplishes the goals of the
assignment: There is good depth
and breadth of social science
research. The writing demonstrates
a critical assessment of the
contributions and limitations of
existing research on
criminal/antisocial behavior as
relevant to the paper topic.
Citation and source
referencing are not
Citation and source
referencing are in an
adequately consistent style.
Citation and source referencing are
in a consistent style, drawn from a
good range of sources.
Grammatical errors and
lapses in standard writing
conventions distract the
reader’s ability to focus
on ideas or organization.
Grammatical errors and
lapses in standard writing
conventions do distract the
attentive reader, but do not
impair meaning or
Grammatical errors and lapses in
standard writing conventions are so
minor that a reader can overlook
them unless searching for them

Psychology homework help

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