Reading homework help

Reading homework help.
1.List each of the five supply chain technologies the article discusses and provide a short definition for each.
2.Choose the supply chain technology from among the five discussed in the article whose pitfalls concern you the most. Why do you feel this way?
3.Select the supply chain technology that impressed you the most. Why were you impressed? What benefits do you anticipate from using this technology?
4.In the article’s conclusion entitled, “A High Stakes Makeover,” the author cautions readers about the relationship between these technologies and the business drivers leading companies to deploy them. What is her caution? Do you think her caution is reasonable? Why or why not?

  1. IBM’s Bill Moran discussed how several of these technologies are used in supply chain management. How do you think the strong interpersonal and process skills Bill affirmed are crucial for success increases the probability of effectively implementing the technologies discussed in the article?

*Supply chain and transformation
*IBM’S digital reinvention for the cognitive era
Discuss these two titles
PS: please use simple words
Data Findings in the Real World
For this discussion, I would like you to explore and interpret data findings. Please locate an article (not an academic article) containing data findings in a ‘mainstream’ media source such as The Wall Street Journal, The NY Times, CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, etc.
After reviewing the article, I would like you to contribute to this discussion by summarizing the article, highlighting the data points that are examined and explained by the author(s), and how the data were collected (including any research methodology description that was included in the article). Please also provide your own personal interpretations – consider the relevance of the data, any “holes” or inconsistencies you may identify, and its implications in today’s society. Please also include the article link in your main post.
Participation is required and participation credit in this particular 200-250 words

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Reading homework help