Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Choose from one of two options:Option 1: Drawing on at least 3 of the Learning Resources, write a main post about how and/or why people develop beliefs and give meaning to their lives, whether through religion or through non-religion.Option 2:Drawing at least 3 of the Learning Resources, write a main post about how religions (as well as atheism) can contribute to people’s social attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.Note: Be sure to cite the Learning Resources that you use in this post and list your references at the end, using APA style.Learning Resources:Mini-lecture, Research Center. (2015, Nov. 3). Pew religious landscape survey, Chapter 1: Importance of religion and religious beliefs. Retrieved from Research Center. ( 2016, April 12). Religion in everyday life. Retrieved from, B. (2018, Aug. 8). Why America’s ‘nones’ don’t identify with religion. Retrieved from, J., & Cammisa, R. (Producers), & Cammisa, R. (Director). (2011). God is the Bigger Elvis [Motion picture]. United States: HBO. Retrieved from available at:, J. M. (2011, Summer). Becoming an Atheist in America: Constructing Identity and Meaning from the Rejection of Theism. Sociology of Religion,72(2), 215-237. doi:10.1093/socrel/srq082 Permalink: READ :Ecklund, E. H., & K. Schultz. (2011, Dec.). Atheists and agnostics negotiate family and religion. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 50(4), 728-743.READ :Reiss, S. (2000). Why people turn to religion: A motivational analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 39, 47-52.

Social Work homework help

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