Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Assignment: eCommerce Risks and ThreatsYou have just been hired as a security consultant to evaluate risks and threats for an internet-based retail business.Based on your Reading Chapter 5, and the learning activities where you practiced with risks and threats in ecommerce, respond to the checklist items in an informative essay:Checklist:Following the Informative Essay steps address the following:Addressing the topic assigned, conduct research.Brainstorm the key points you want to make.Write a short outline.Write the essay.Explain the types of ecommerce risks and threats with which this online retailer may have to contend.Discuss a minimum of 4 prevention techniques to minimize these risks to the online retailer.Write your original informative essay in Standard American English. Please be sure to include an Introduction, Body (addressing all the checklist items), and Conclusion.Pay special attention to correct grammar, style, and mechanics.Respond to the checklist items in a complete manner.Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated. Remember you are the consultant.Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another.Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.Respond in a minimum of a 2–3 page APA formatted and citation styled paper and submit your informative essay to the Assignment Dropbox.

Statistics homework help

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