Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Briefly summarize and analyze two primary sources, identifying their intended audience, purpose, context in which they were produced (what was happening at the time), and their overall historical significance (why it is important). Once you have analyzed the documents, discuss how they relate to each other. For example, do they reveal different perspectives or change over time?The purpose of this is to go deep into a piece of material and engage with the historians’ craft of how to interpret pieces of the past. This is not a right/wrong type of paper. This is your interpretation based on what you know. The paper needs to have a strong thesis statement supported by quotes from the primary source with a conclusion that sums it up.The paper should be 2 – 3 pagesPRIMARY SOURCES:Hunter-Gatherer and Agricultural SocietiesHunting and Warfare – Cave PaintingsÇatal Hüyük City PlanCode of Hammurabi GreeceHerodotus: On the Kings of SpartaAccounts of the Hellenic GamesPlato: The RepublicRomeThe Roman Way of Declaring WarThe 12 TablesStrabo: The Grandeur of RomeLate Antiquity and the Emergence of IslamSidonius Apollinaris: A Civilized Barbarian and Barbarian RomanThe Prophet Muhammad’s Last SermonThe Qu’ran 1, 47FeudalismPope Gregory the Great: Succession to Tenant Holdings on Church LandÆthelwulf, King of Wessex: Grant of a Tenth of Public LandCanute the Great: The Granting of FiefsThe CrusadesGregory VII: Call for a Crusade [First Crusade]Eugene III: Summons for a Crusade [Second Crusade]The Decline of Christian Power in the Holy LandRichard the Lion-Hearted Conquers CypressThe Middle AgesGregory of Tours: The Harsh Treatment of Serfs and SlavesGeoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue to the Wife of Bath’s TaleThe Renaissance and DiscoveryNiccolo Machiavelli: The Prince [excerpts]The Book of the Courtier [Excerpt]The Life of Leonardo da VinciChristopher Columbus: Extracts from JournalSir Francis Drake’s Famous Voyage Around the World

Statistics homework help

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