The Promise of Living” is the finale of Aaron Copeland’s opera The Tender Land. Do a little online research on this opera, as well as its connection to photographer Walker Evans and James Agee’s book Now Let Us Praise Famous Men. Spend some time researching the effects of the Great Depression and the “dust bowl” on the lives of average hard-working Americans. Consider how Aaron Copeland’s music and the text evoke the spirit of the era in question. Write a 400-word response discussing your emotional response to the music.

The Promise of Living” is the finale of Aaron Copeland’s opera The Tender Land. Do a little online research on this opera, as well as its connection to photographer Walker Evans and James Agee’s book Now Let Us Praise Famous Men. Spend some time researching the effects of the Great Depression and the “dust bowl” on the lives of average hard-working Americans. Consider how Aaron Copeland’s music and the text evoke the spirit of the era in question. Write a 400-word response discussing your emotional response to the music..

The Promise of Living” is the finale of Aaron Copeland’s opera The Tender Land.  Do a little online research on this opera, as well as its connection to photographer Walker Evans and James Agee’s book Now Let Us Praise Famous Men.  Spend some time researching the effects of the Great Depression and the “dust bowl” on the lives of average hard-working Americans. Consider how Aaron Copeland’s music and the text evoke the spirit of the era in question.  Write a 400-word response discussing your emotional response to the music.

The Promise of Living” is the finale of Aaron Copeland’s opera The Tender Land. Do a little online research on this opera, as well as its connection to photographer Walker Evans and James Agee’s book Now Let Us Praise Famous Men. Spend some time researching the effects of the Great Depression and the “dust bowl” on the lives of average hard-working Americans. Consider how Aaron Copeland’s music and the text evoke the spirit of the era in question. Write a 400-word response discussing your emotional response to the music.

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